Wednesday, November 02, 2005

Why do I get the feeling there's a demon somewhere in Hell who's got an IOU with my name on it ?

Milo has just slept through the night for three straight nights in a row.

I should be overjoyed. And I am! Oh, yes indeedy, I am!

And yet I can't help shake the feeling that one of Satan's minions is now the proud owner of my soul.


Dak-Ind said...

HAHAH i feel the same when our Indy sleeps thru the night. unfortunately after 6 months of getting up with him, now when he doesnt wake up, i still do!

Suburban Turmoil said...

My baby slept through the night pretty much from the start- It wasn't until she was a year old that she started waking up... I figured it was worse because she was smarter and couldn't be tricked back into sleep.

I hope your sleepless nights are over for good!

Unknown said...

I think yiu've been asleep because I've been up for 3 night! It like a balance/mom/karma thing