Saturday, November 19, 2005

He's my very best friend in the whole wide world. Plus, I own him. **

Or at least, I used to...

It's been a tough week for me here at the diaper pail. My man has up and left me.

It's true.

Up until this past week, the Dread Pirate Robert was here at home with me, helping me remain sane as I learned how to cope with the often exhausting job of taking care of a new baby. He completed his university courses on the very day my water broke (which was also *supposed* to be my last day at work), and since then has been unemployed but looking for work.

It was pretty sweet timing, actually. Honestly, I don't know what I would have done without him. Hats off to all you mothers who had to learn how to do it all on your own.

But, as of Monday -- yay! sob! yay! -- Rob has got a real live full-time job. This is very good, as it means that we won't be forcing Milo to beg on the street corner to get us the money we need to buy his Christmas presents.

(We had rather dim expectations of Milo's fundraising abilities anyhow, seeing as he hasn't yet learned how to sit up by himself. He probably would have tipped over behind the "Need money for smokes" sign and no one would have been able to see him. And I'm sure he would have had problems keeping the other street kids from stealing the coins in his begging bowl.)

So yes, we're all very happy that Rob is now working. Except... except... now from Monday to Friday, I'm the only person in the house who's capable of making consonant sounds. And there's no one around anymore to wash the breakfast dishes or read to me while I'm feeding Milo or hold him while I take a shower, not to mention play with him so I can spend an hour or so blogging every day.

I've finally had to learn how to do by myself all those things I've always relied on Rob to help me with, like folding up the stroller or putting Milo in the Baby Trekker. I've even learned how to go to the bathroom and fasten my pants back up while holding a baby the entire time.

Yes, I know I've been spoiled. No one knows it better than I. In fact, I'm so spoiled that I have never ever had to wash so much as a single one of our cloth diapers. (But sssh, don' t point it out to Rob, I don't want to jinx a good thing.)

Of course, all good things must come to an end, and so Rob has ventured bravely forth into the wild corporate jungle in order to bonk some beasties on the head and drag them home for baby and I to feed on. We're all very excited and wish Rob the best in his new job.

But still... I miss him. I miss him most when I'm breastfeeding Milo and he's not there to read to me. I miss laughing with him at lines like, "Rachel didn't ever want to get her head chopped off. People said it hurt terrible fierce."

Ah, well. I guess that's what weekends are for. That and blogging, that is...

Whither thou goest, my pirate?

** The title of this post was taken from an episode of "Home Movies," a very funny cartoon that everyone should watch at least once.


Dak-Ind said...

good luck! when mine went back to work all the help STOPPED, in fact it got worse, since he expects dinner when he gets home. if you are fortunate, and really it sounds like you might be, he will still help you with stuff when he gets home, at least so you can get in the shower. i have learned that personal grooming must be done while indy is asleep!

Anonymous said...

Yes, I remember those days. My husband went back to work after the first week home with each baby, but my mom was here to help for the first month each time. After she left (especially with the first baby) I remember being terrified and wondering how I would get things done. Sounds like you and Milo have been managing very well.

My hubby's admittedly very helpful with our girls -- I never once changed one of those nasty tarry poo diapers with either baby, and he's a very active day-to-day parent. Sounds like the Dread Pirate Robert might be like that too.

I have to ask -- are you guys at a Canucks game in the picture? We were in Vancouver 2 years ago this month (sigh -- LOVED it) and went to 2 games. Great times.

p.s. -- that milo? such a cutie.

Laura said...

You have been very lucky, my dearest husband took two weeks off for Pumpkins birth, and three of those days I was in hospital. Man was it a shock when I was home alone with Pumpkin. I think I called him at least 5 times a day. Now we are down to maybe 2, but SMS like crazy :-)

Tips for keeping yourself sane. Get out of the house! Even if it is to town to go shopping and sitting in a coffee shop to feed Milo. Also, try to find some moms in your area to get together with. It is not only good for us to have some social contact that consists of more than the one way conversations "are you hungry?" and "do you need your diaper changed?", but it is alos good for our little ones to be around other babes. If no groups exist, get one together. I try to meet with other moms once or twice a week. It does make a huge difference.

And as for now having to do everything around the house yourself, I try and break it up. Kitchen is cleaned tuesday, bathroom Thursday. Vaccuming Monday and Friday etc... As for laundry, between clothing and cloth diapers I put a load on every morning when I wake. Then I never fall behind and find Pumpkin has no diapers or we have no clean undies. That also leaves me time to Blog durring at least one nap time.

Good luck!

Suburban Turmoil said...

He does look like a pirate. I'll give you that.