That's what it says about my blog in the directory at BlogExplosion, an online blogging community I sometimes visit. If you look up blogs under the category heading, "Kids and Family," there mine is, with a big, red, bold-faced "ADULT" written in the site description.
Kind of makes me sound like a sicko, don't you think? I mean, what kind of weirdo writes adult content about a wee little baby?
At first, when I saw the "adult" rating, I thought it was a joke. How could anyone say this blog has "adult" content? Cripes! I don't even use swear words (note the exclamation immediately preceding this sentence) because I know my mom occasionally reads this blog and likes to think her daughter still retains some vestiges of ladylike behaviour (sorry, mom, fat chance).
I debated about contacting the moderators at Blog Explosion to tell them they'd made some sort of mistake. But then I started thinking about some of my recent posts, and how often they mentioned the word, "penis." "Oh, how ridiculous," I said to myself. "To classify a site as being 'adult' just because it involves a frank and open discussion about circumcision!"
I mean, really. Should I have refrained from using the "p" word and instead referred to Milo's little wee-wee? Should I have called it his willy, his little birdy, or his fireman? His peter or his cute widdle mannikin? Sheesh!
So I got myself all hot and bothered and started venting about it to Rob, who listened to me rage on about uptight puritans who refuse to call a spade a spade and probably still dress their table legs in frilly stockings. Then, while I paused to catch my breath, he reminded me of an entry I'd posted a while back that had certain pictures that were more likely to blame for my "adult" rating than anything I'd actually written.
Oh yeah. Those pictures. S**t.
P.S. My husband's other site, which has numerous nipple shots on it (being that it's all aboutsuperfluous nipples) got by the censors just fine. B*st*rd.
I think Chris likes the pic. tee hee hee. Mine says "warning, profanity" in big RED letters. You know us crazy MOMs. hahaha. Wings Canucks tonight!
Eh, it makes you edgy. You'll get more readers this way, believe me:).
Never heard of BlogExplosion before but we just signed our blog up for it. I'm curious to see what rating we get with words like "torture" and "killing" (of persecution victims) showing up.
Or maybe it's for all the "breast" references. I wonder, if you had a site about, say, breast cancer what you'd get. What about if K-12 schools put their search engines on "safe search," can they still find info about breast cancer?
I think the BE rating really just depends what was on the front page on the day your site got scanned.
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