It wouldn't be so bad if he had to have just one shot, but no, he had to have three -- two in his right thigh and one in his left. Thankfully, his objections were dampened somewhat by the infant Motrin we dosed him with prior to leaving for the health office. He screamed bloody murder as he was given each needle, but recovered fairly quickly. Yet another example of better living through careful chemical management...
All in all, I'm sure the whole ordeal affected me more than it did him. After I'd rearranged him in my arms to prepare him for the final shot in his left thigh, he recovered from the tears caused by the first two shots and looked up at me, wide-eyed. Just as his mouth began to stretch tentatively into a smile, the nurse stabbed him a third time. The look of betrayal in his eyes was far more painful than any stupid old needle.
Somehow, the "it's for your own good, sweetheart" excuse just didn't seem to cut it. Sigh. I feel like I just gained official membership into the parent club.
This is actually an entirely out-of-date comment, but I just thought I would let you know that I tried to check your blog from the Internet terminal at YVR and it wouldn't let me because apparently it's too objectionable!
Yeah. The immunization visits test you. That's for sure. Luckily they have like NO short term memories at this point. So its prick...MOM SUCKS...where's the boob? And all is well with the world once again.
I never understand why in some parts of the US and Canada they do 3-5 pricks. Here they combine it all into one injection. So pumpkin only got once prick each visit. But she did get one at 2 months, 3 months and 4 months. No more till 11 months though. She normally is pretty good. She cries for a minute and then she forgets all about it. I guess I have been lucky. But don't worry, Milo will not remember it at all :-)
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