But when a Queen commands you to do something, there's no ignoring the royal summons.
I got to tell you, though, if it had been a mere commoner who'd asked me to do this, I probably would have refused. Lists scare me. They hurt my head. I end up spending far too long on them, wracking my brain for the best possible answers, always certain that there's a better one out there IF ONLY I COULD JUST THINK OF IT.
All right, here goes... But I just know that as soon as I go to bed tonight, a million better answers are going to occur to me.
7 things I want to do before I die
- Finish my frickin' book already (and get it published -- aye, there's the rub)
- Go on an onsen tour of Japan
- Poke around inside the Great Pyramid
- Ride a horse in a place without fences -- without a paid guide there to smirk at my ineptitude
- Learn how to make my grandmother's fudge
- Learn as many languages as I can
- Help promote a "word of mouth" revolution that results in the demolition of an economic system dependent on the production of countless tonnes of crap and instead promotes the value of quality over quantity
- A cartwheel
- Bake a pie
- Design my own web site
- Tolerate intolerance
- Mow a lawn
- Make pretty things with textiles (e.g., sew or knit or crochet)
- Believe that there's only ONE right way to access the Divine, and that all other ways are WRONG WRONG WRONG
- Intelligence
- Sense of humour
- Confidence
- Groundedness
- Open-mindedness
- Musical talent
- Skill in the kitchen
- "Who's my little cutie pooty pie?"
- "Oh! I think I hear the boy."
- "I'm tired."
- "I've DEFINITELY got to do yoga -- tomorrow."
- "Can you hold him for a minute? I've got to go to the bathroom."
- "Inuyasha ga daisuki desu!"
- "It's probably up your ass." (It's true. I do say that quite often. But never in a dirty way.)
7 celebrity crushes
- Dean Ween (WEEEEEEN!!!)
- Gene Ween (WEEEEEEN!!!)
- Luke Doucet
- Danny Michel
- Steven Colbert
- Don McKellar
- Owen Wilson
7 people I want to do this (for those of you who don't blog, you can post your lists in my comments)
- Meg of Blogcabin (Hah! Yet another opportunity for you to indulge in your list fetish!)
- Pinksaturngrapes
- Sandra Smith (not the one who was the last woman to be hanged in South Africa)
- Cindy Lou
- Laurie
- Ms. Mama
- Zandperl

Steve Colbert? Really? Steve COLBERT????
Thanks for playing. As I told Dread Pirate...I'll never do it again, I swear. teeheeheee
Hey, I can't do a cartwheel either. That is not for a lack of tryin g though. I was constantly on the front lawn throwing my legs in the air, but never once got anything even resembling a cartwheel.
Thanks for the tag, but the queen commanded me already. You can see my list of 7's on my blog. I posted it Wednesday.
You're breaking my heart, but I'll do it when we get home from VEGAS BABY!!
Hee hee... what can I say? I'm a sucker for a guy who can make me roll around on the floor laughing. I would have said Jon Stewart (known affectionately around here as "Jon-Jon") but his eyes are probably on level with my navel.
I've got nothing against short men except for how they remind me of my traumatic junior high school days, when almost every single boy in my grade was a head shorter than me. I still get grade eight slow dance nightmares...
Noooooooooooooooooooooo!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Is there a time limit? Is this some sort of chain blog?! I feel chained! Fortunately I didn't see any scary reprisals listed (although that face is scary enough). It's got me a thinkin'... (help)
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