Monday, December 12, 2005

Unngh... I hab a code

Will he catch it or won't he?
Time to see what Milo's immune system is made of...

It's the first cold I've had since I was pregnant. Rob came home with it on Thursday and very kindly gave it to me while we were out partying on Friday night. And this, after I'd been bragging to my parents that afternoon about how Rob ALWAYS gets colds and I BARELY EVER do. Grumble grumble... it never pays to brag about good health.

Usually when I catch a bug, the moment I feel that first tickle in my throat I call in sick to work and spend the next 24 hours sleeping as much as possible, waking only to suck on a zinc lozenge and drink a cup of hot ginger tea. After a day of living in snooze mode and letting my body use all of its available resources to combat the bug, I always feel much better and usually have the bug out of my system within the next day or two.

However, things have been different this time around. Instead of lying in bed all day Saturday, I had to get up and take care of Milo, after having just five and a half hours of seriously broken sleep. Ditto on Sunday, though I was at least operating on a bit more sleep.

And to make matters worse, the lack of sleep and ridiculously low energy levels have made it impossible for me to get up to do my daily yoga routine the past couple of mornings. No yoga = even less energy, so I feel like I'm caught in a downward spiral and won't be able to feel truly healthy again until I'm able to get a full twelve hours' sleep. Or Milo starts kindergarten. Whichever comes first.

Hmm. I knew babies were demanding little sinkholes that devoured all your time and energy (not to mention money), but who woulda thunk they were actually bad for your health?

Come to think of it, I suppose that makes Milo no different from any of the other addictive substances I've been hooked on over the years...


Carol said...

I hope you start feeling better soon. Major problem with parenthood is that you can't take sick leave! Good luck!

Anonymous said...

Yeah, the first time I was sick with a babe in the house was a rude awakening. No more sleep-all-day and lay-about-whining stuff. Then it was keep-baby-entertained-even-when-feeling-yukky.

Hope you are feeling better soon.

Unknown said...

Its the lack of sleep, all your goodness going to making milk, and STILL caring for your family. We never get a break, do we?