Hmm. Do you think I'm jinxing myself for even mentioning it?
Milo went to bed tonight wearing a gorgeous new organic cotton terrycloth diaper. This thing is as soft as a high-quality bath towel, but three times as absorbent. It's a Motherease Sandy's fitted snap diaper. I'm going to write about it and all the other purchases I made at Discount Diapers in Vancouver in my cloth diaper blog tomorrow.
Yes, for those of you who weren't aware, I've been two-timing you with another blog. That one's dedicated solely to my um, cloth diaper obsession. Now please don't worry, I'm not a cloth diaper snob or anything. I don't care about the kind of diapers you use. I only care about the diapers I use. Some would say a little bit too much, perhaps... but mostly because they're just so damned cool.
There are some really amazing diapers out there that don't stink, don't stain, won't cause rashes and won't leak at night. They're cheaper than disposables in the long run because one diaper can last a baby pretty much from birth right through to age two or three. And they totally make your kid's butt look styling.
But I don't want to bother you with my monotopical rantings here... that's what my cloth diapers blog is for.
We now return you to all Milo, all the time...

Um, hello? I thought we were supposed to be talking about ME, here.
But... but... how will I know if I'm going to get that "A" in parenting I've been shooting for?
You know me... I'm far too disturbingly like Lisa Simpson, who, when jonesing because school was closed due to a teacher's for a few days, followed her mother around pleading, "Grade me...look at me...evaluate and rank me! Oh, I'm
good, good, good, and oh so smart! Grade me!"
It's a little problem I have. I'm trying my best to deal with it though, if only to cut down on the amount I'm going to have to spend on Milo's therapy bills... :)
he is sooo cute! Hopefully, I'll be a grandma in the next few years to come. But I think it's great you take the time & effort to research & find out what is best for your baby. I also like (a lot) that you don't try to stand in judgment of others.
no need for a paci let them suck daddys c--k
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