At least, if I DID pay her some undisclosed sum, I'm going to keep my trap shut about it.
I think I'm going to take a screen cap of her site and blow it up to poster size and tape it to my wall. My moment of fame, immortalized for all to see!
I'm also very grateful that so many of you blog readers are willing to put up with my all-too-often obnoxiously slow loading time. I'm working on it, I swear! Rob and I are messing around with creating a new template with this site, but since his return to the working world, our progress has slowed considerably. Patience, dear Prudence...
Congrats!! I'm so proud of you!
And why -is- the loading time slow? This is a pretty standard template, isn't it?
Sigh... I *think* it's because of the country-by-country counter I've got on my site. My pages often seem to get hung up on it when loading.
I'm seriously considering ditching it for that reason. It's just that I'm really interested in seeing where exactly all my visitors are coming from. Just the other day, I had a visitor from Iran! I've also had visitors from Turkey, Egypt, Saudi Arabia and the UAE (I'm big in the Middle East, apparently).
Oh, I know that they were probably surfing for something totally unrelated (or totally naughty), but I find it fascinating to see where they're coming from, just the same. Still, I'm probably going to have to ditch the counter, if I ever want any of my casual visitors to stick around to see what's actually on my site.
Erin, we love your blog! Hell, I've linked to it two or three times!!
Erin -
While tidying up for my mom's imminent visit I've misplaced your contact info! Was wondering what you're up to on this foggy Monday afternoon?
Hey, Niki! Hope you come back to read these comments because I'm not exactly sure where I put your card, either. I'll give a look around and see if I can find it, but just in case I can't...
I just got back from "stroller aerobics" and Milo has yet to have his afternoon nap, so this afternoon might not be so good. How's Wednesday afternoon for you, though? I was thinking about maybe going to the Mother Goose singalong at the library but am not tied down to it. If you and Clara are into it, we could go together and have coffee afterward -- or we could hook up and do something else instead.
We now return you to your regularly scheduled blog comments...
Will you be at Tuesday's group? Perhaps I'll bring my Sharpie and we'll have no more excuses.... ;)
Clara and I have Roots of Empathy Wednesday at 1pm (with Granny in tow) but would be up for coffee or something after that I think.
Hey, has Milo ever had consecutive days without pooping? Clara is on day 4 of the mysterious disappearing poop program - I know that the nurse said that breastfed babies can go as long as a week without a bm, but it worries me nonetheless....
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