On December 23rd, we stopped by Milo's Great-Nana's place to drop off some presents and enjoy a cup of tea. Milo and Nana had lots of fun checking each other out.

Then it was off to my folks' place, where we stayed from the 23rd until Boxing Day (the 26th, for all you non-Boxing-Day-celebrating cretins out there. I mean, really -- who in their right mind would say no to an extra paid holiday?)

And YES, we did make Milo wear his Santa suit as often as possible over the holidays. Hey, it cost me a whole $16!!! I had to make the most of it.
Christmas Eve was a special day -- Milo had his first taste of solid food!

We gave him organic brown rice cereal for his first meal. He seemed to like it just fine, though half of it ended up on his bib. That was mostly my fault -- trying to stick a spoonful of food into the mouth of a wriggling baby proved to be about as easy as threading a needle while drunk on a roller coaster.
Christmas morning rocked, of course. Not only was it the Big Day, it also happened to be Milo's six-month birthday! As freaky as it is to believe, he's actually a full half-year old now.

The lucky boy had not one, but two stockings waiting for him on the hearth. Apparently Santa thought he was twice as good as all the other little boys and girls. I guess the ol' geezer wasn't aware of the many times Milo has pulled his mama's hair or waited until his diaper's off before letting loose with the firehose.
Not surprisingly, Milo's parents and grandparents tended to be more impressed with his presents than he was. (Give him a year or two...) However, there was one toy that definitely caught his attention.

Thanks to our new friend, Shinosaurus Rex, the poor kid's probably going to have dinosaur stalker nightmares for years to come. The fact that Rex plays Mozart tunes will only serve to heighten the horror, I'm guessing.
Great pictures, all of 'em! Milo's a cutie.
Glad you are back :-) Looks like you had a great holiday time! And Milo, man is he getting to be a big boy!
That picture of Milo with Rex is hysterical!
OMG that last one just killed me.
Happy delurking week! Just wanted to say that I enjoy your site, and I'm from Vancouver area too. :D Goofy hats on babies are the best.
Yes, the Shinosaurus Rex pic is now a personal favourite. What an eventful Xmas for wee Milo. I'm impressed that you made the full rounds. But how couldn't you -- we all know the tour was for the adults in his world since he won't remember a lick of it.
Beautiful, absolutely beautiful. ALL of you. Looks like SO much fun. The rain looks nice as well.
And, from below that is the most awesome Santa photo I think I have ever seen.
No, really.
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