I'm pretty sure that Milo thinks he's a lemur. A lemur on crack, that is.
Whenever I change him these days, as soon as I get his pants off (a difficult feat made even more challenging by the fact that he likes to rapidly kick and cycle his legs as if he's trying to do the back stroke across the changing mat), he grabs on to my nearest arm with both hands and pulls it down to him so he can chew on my sleeve. Then he proceeds to wrap both his arms and legs around my arm and cling to it like a marsupial hanging from a tree branch. He gets the most hilarious expression on his face when he's doing this, as if he's thinking, "Ah-ha! Victory is mine! Now, if only I open my mouth wide enough, I'm positive I can swallow this entire branch in one go, orange cotton leaves and all..."
Admittedly, he looks pretty darned adorable when he's doing this. However, with one arm basically out of commission, I do find it a lot more difficult to finish the job of changing him. What with the boy's mind-bending strength and incessant penchant for wiggling, what should be a simple two-minute job can stretch upwards of fifteen minutes these days. Good thing I don't have anything better to do.
Truth be told, playing with Milo on the change table is one of my favourite things to do. Unless, of course, I'm trying to get him ready to go out and we're in a hurry. Then it's torture. Or an exercise in patience, which usually amounts to the same thing.
I'm just glad the boy didn't come with a prehensile tail... Otherwise, he'd spend all day swinging off the rafters butt-nekkid. And that could make for a rather messy situation.
That story makes for a funny visual. You should try to get a picture of that if you can! (of course, you'd have to get someone else to take the picture.) ;-)
The changing table became a wrestling mat in our home a few months ago. I find it both addorable and frustrating. And it is only complicated when you are removing the diaper with one hand and holding down the baby with the other and before you can get that new diaper under them, the pee goes flying. Then there is a wet pee covered wrestling mat! Oh how my life has changed....
I think it's very handy that you enjoy changing the little fella so much considering how often the activity takes place. I guess that whole 'engineered so we find them cute' thing actually works.
I do have another trip coming up. I leave Feb 17, gone til March 11. I was supposed to do a March break one too which included a dozen kids but it got cancelled for some reason. Bird flu phobia probably. I hope it wasn't because of any articles we wrote...
Update on our detained refugee friends: Huang and 4-year old daughter arrived in New Zealand for resettlement last Tuesday. About 40 of us went to the airport to see them off. Next Monday the rest are scheduled to be sent to Norway -- their receiving centre is on an island in the far north. Looks pretty but possibly they won't decide to make their permanent homes there...
First of all, XM kids plays that song more than it should.
Second of all, Milo and Peanut would groove well together. She ends up diaperless for hours simply because I can't hold her down enough to diaper her. She will not be contained.
I see you described yourself as a rookie mom. Cute. My site is called RookieMoms.com. Come visit :-)
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