(Yes, I have been brainwashed by the studies that suggest too much TV scrambles the brains of children, leaving them twitching and drooling on the rec room floor, incapable of sustaining a thought for longer than 1.7 seconds. Rob thinks I'm overreacting, but hey -- look at what it did to ME.)

However, being the computer geeks we are, we never guessed that introducing Milo to YouTube might be a dangerous thing to do.
Silly us.
After watching just one clip from Sesame Street, he was hooked. Now, at least 50 times a day (and I'm lowballing here) he demands to watch, "Farm spaceship, Mommy! Farm spaceship!"
Even if I acquiesce one out of every ten times, that still means we're watching the same 4:20 (heh) long clip five times in a day, which equals 21 minutes 40 seconds -- and that's just a minute and a half shorter than a regular 1/2 hour children's program (minus commercials).
So much for protecting his tender developing mind...
Although to be honest, it's not so much his brain turning to mush that worries me. It's the fact that when the alien invasion finally happens, Milo's first instinct won't be to run for the hills like everyone else.
Instead, he's going to march right up to our tentacled future overlords with his arms outstretched, saying, "Yip yip yip yip uh huh uh huh uh huh..."
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