Fortunately for him, Milo scored sufficiently high enough on the cuteness scale to avoid being tied into a burlap sack and thrown into a river-for now, at least. We'll see what he's like when he's a teenager.
Robert Milo Emmerson (fourth in a line of Robert Emmersons, first in a line of Milos) is not, repeat NOT, an Australian Ovaltine-style chocolate malt drink. Nor is he a cat who journeys across the country to find a dog named Otis. And I haven't been watching him every waking moment of his 43-hour life, but I'm fairly certain he's never been to Atlantis. He didn't fight in World War II (though he IS most definitely a Minderbender) and he's never driven through a phantom tollbooth to rescue Rhyme and Reason from a castle in the air. And, although I'd love to say otherwise, I'm afraid he's never traded liberal wisecracks with a penguin named Opus.
Of course, it's possible he may do all those things and more some day, but for now Milo is simply our baby son. But I must say, he's still quite the character - and yes, it's true: he's pretty sweet.
For those who haven't yet heard the story, Milo was born at home at 1:45 a.m. on Saturday, June 25th, after causing his mother to moan and howl for an approximate total of seven hours and forty-five minutes. He weighed just under eight pounds (3.62 kg) at birth and was just over 20 inches (51.5 cm) long. His mother is very grateful that he decided to make his appearance 13 days before his scheduled due date - especially after she learned that Milo would have been a full pound heavier had he decided to wait until the due date to be born.
Yes, Milo is a good boy. Now if only he would sleep for longer than 90 minute stretches at night... Oh, wait, I forgot. That's what the overproof rum is for!
Thanks for all your wonderful wishes, everyone -- I'll respond to them personally some time over the next week or so. And I will be posting more photos here as well, so keep an eye out for them. I might even discuss the birth in graphic detail, just so I can imagine the expressions on some of your faces as you read it. Heh heh heh... But for now, mama must sleep. Or drink overproof rum. Or both.
Much love to all... Milo and his very tired but deliriously happy parents.

Wow, wow, wow!!!
My first time ever on a blogger page so I feel that this occassion fits so nicely...first baby, first boy, first breaths, first cries!!!, first feedings... first parental Love!!! I am so happy for you guys!!! You look way too well rested in the photo though! Erin, I thought you would have looked like shit, but you look wonderful! and Rob, you are the picture of a doting father!!! I can't wait to come out and see the little munchkin in real life! I know that you guys are going to be really busy over the next while so don't worry about keeping in touch. Nad and I will be in Europe for the next six weeks so we might be out of touch too. But remember one thing, we love you guys very much and are so happy to have one more friend to love too!
Oh my lord, you all look gorgeous. Congrats, Erin! SO AMAZING!!!! Big best wishes out to all the Roberts, all the Milos, and all the Erins:).
BIG HUGE LOVELY CONGRATS!!!! Ahhh! So cool and wonderful and great. Milo is a little angel. Take care you guys!
I was thinking of you all weekend Erin (well, when I wasn't thinking abut eBay) and hoping all was going stupendously well. Many heartfelt congratulations to you, Rob, and Milo.
Erin and Rob,
I could not be happier to hear that you gave birth to this lovely, adorable Milo of a baby boy! A million congrats, and I can't wait to meet him...we'll be sure to get your gift to you real soon, so Milo can go shopping! His first credit card!
How cute is Milo?
Pictures like this "almost" make me want to have a wee one, but then I read your other entries (re the one about the blood loss) and decided it's better left in more capable hands..... the baby not the blood, well actually the blood too.
The 3 of you sure don't look like you just had your first baby!
Congrats, can't wait to meet Milo in the flesh.
Alison (fellow IMC'er)
I meant to post the link to the baby shower you were unable to attend:
We're sorry you missed it but glad Milo is here instead!
Congrats again,
yay yay yay!
love the blog, erin, keep it up... if you can find the time now that your hands are full! thanks for letting us come for a visit so soon after his arrival - i'm so happy for you all, can't wait to come by again soon.
Erin ... He's an absolute doll! And what's WRONG with you???? You look FABULOUS!!! Aren't you obligated to look beaten or something close to it for the first few days after giving birth????? Wow! That's it, when I get around to this 'kids' thing I want advice from YOU! Yoga, veggies, whatever! ;-)
Kidding aside, I know you're going to be a fabulous mommy... Milo is one lucky baby boy!
Come visit us soon! (Admission: one baby boy, clean diapers preferred but not required.)
Jennifer (yet another IMC'er)
How wonderful life is...Congrats Mom, Dad and especially Milo on your incredible journey. Things only get better from here. Enjoy!
Love ya guys!
Brad Heather Kendall and Ireland
AWWWWWWWWW! so SO sweet, guys. can't wait to see you three!
Dang that is one cute little powdered chocolate beverage you got there! Congrats to you both, and have fun with the little man!
Michael & Dana & Charlie & Angus
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